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Leaching kinetics of copper flotation tailings in ammonia/ammonium chloride solution
中文关键词: 铜渣  尾砂  铜浸出  NH3·H2O-NH4Cl体系  浸出动力学
英文关键词: copper slag  tailings  copper leaching  NH3·H2O-NH4Cl system  leaching kinetics
基金项目:武汉科技大学钢铁冶金及资源利用教育部重点实验室开放基金资助项目(FMRU201206);2014年湖北省重点产业创新团队项目(鄂组通[2014]36号);湖北省新世纪高层次人才工程专项经费资助项目(鄂人社[2011] 763号).
刘臻伟 武汉科技大学钢铁冶金及资源利用教育部重点实验室,湖北 武汉,430081 40315085@qq.com 
秦庆伟 武汉科技大学钢铁冶金及资源利用教育部重点实验室,湖北 武汉,430081  
吴星琳 武汉科技大学钢铁冶金及资源利用教育部重点实验室,湖北 武汉,430081  
王珊 湖北大江环保科技股份有限公司,湖北 黄石,435005  
廖广东 湖北大江环保科技股份有限公司,湖北 黄石,435005  
摘要点击次数: 5116
全文下载次数: 3370
      研究铜渣浮选尾砂中铜在NH3·H2O-NH4Cl体系中的浸出行为。结果表明,铜的最佳浸出条件为:炉渣粒度为-0.045 mm,浸出温度60 ℃,氨水浓度3.0 mol/L,氯化铵浓度2.5 mol/L,双氧水添加量0.2 mL/g,液固比6∶1,搅拌速度500 r/min,浸出时间120 min,铜的浸出率为62.22%;浸出过程受内扩散控制,浸出反应的表观活化能Ea=11.56 kJ/mol,反应表观级数为0.938 83,温度条件下铜浸出反应动力学方程为lnk=-1.390 42×103/T-2.108 67,氨水浓度条件下铜浸出反应动力学方程为lnk=0.938 83lnc-9.292 29。
      Leaching of copper in NH3·H2O-NH4Cl system from flotation tailings was studied. The optimum leaching conditions were found to be as follows:slag particle size, -0.045 mm; leaching temperature, 60 ℃; concentration of NH3·H2O, 3.0 mol/L; concentration of NH4Cl, 2.5 mol/L; amount of H2O2,0.2 mL/g; liquid-to-solid ratio, 6∶1; stirring speed, 500 r/min; and leaching time, 120 min. Under such conditions, copper leaching rate reached 62.22%. Kinetic study indicated that copper leaching is controlled by the inner diffusion of reactants, the apparent activation energy of leaching reaction is 11.56 kJ/mol, and the apparent reaction order is 0.938 83. The kinetic equation of temperature on copper leaching reaction is lnk=-1.390 42×103/T-2.108 67, and that of NH3·H2O concentration on copper leaching reaction is lnk=0.938 83lnc-9.292 29.
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