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VIKOR-based decision-making method for remanufacturing service supplier selection
中文关键词: 再制造服务  供应商选择  VIKOR方法  多准则群决策  模糊数  熵权法
英文关键词: remanufacturing service  supplier selection  VIKOR method  multi-criteria group decision-making  fuzzy number  entropy weight method
夏绪辉 武汉科技大学机械传动与制造工程湖北省重点实验室,湖北 武汉,430081 xiaxuhui@wust.edu.cn 
胡俊峰 武汉科技大学机械传动与制造工程湖北省重点实验室,湖北 武汉,430081  
王蕾 武汉科技大学机械传动与制造工程湖北省重点实验室,湖北 武汉,430081  
摘要点击次数: 7229
全文下载次数: 6495
      Remanufacturing service is one of the most important operation management modes to realize product multi-lifecycle. This paper builds a supplier matching decision-making oriented three-stage remanufacturing service process model for the remanufacturing service activities and their combinations. Since evaluation information of the vendors is complex and difficult to quantify, in order to keep its authenticity and practicality, a variety of data types such as interval number, linguistic variable and fuzzy number are used to describe this information. In view of the two types of evaluation criteria including objective and subjective ones and the evaluation information with mixed data types, VIKOR method is used to rank and select the alternatives. Thus the incommensurability of mixed data and the distortion in data conversion are solved, and the compromised optimal solution is more suitable for the actual requirements of the enterprises. To avoid the second uncertainty of subjective weight assignment, belief function and entropy weight method are applied to determine the weights of each decision maker and criterion. Finally, the feasibility and stability of the proposed method for supplier selection are verified by numerical example and sensitivity analysis.
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