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Numerical simulation of low-unexpanded supersonic disk slot jet flow of a circular thrust gas bearing
中文关键词: 圆盘止推气体轴承  超音速射流  缝隙射流  欠膨胀  流场分析  数值模拟
英文关键词: circular thrust gas bearing  supersonic jet flow  crack jet  under-expanded  flow field analysis  numerical simulation
郭良斌 武汉科技大学机械自动化学院,湖北 武汉,430081 guoliangbin@sina.com 
张一帆 武汉科技大学机械自动化学院,湖北 武汉,430081  
摘要点击次数: 7061
全文下载次数: 5994
      采用SST k-ω湍流模型,对高压圆盘气体轴承出流气体形成的低度欠膨胀超音速圆盘缝隙射流流场进行数值模拟。结果表明,低度欠膨胀超音速圆盘射流起始段1的流场波系,与低度欠膨胀超音速轴对称射流类似;起始段2中由于黏性作用逐渐深入核心区,使核心区宽度持续减小。进入亚音速基本段之后,核心区消失,射流对称面上速度持续下降,直至出现滞止区。与此同时,缝隙射流发生规则分离,两股气流偏离滞止区向两侧流动,在射流左右两侧的远场形成规则对称的两个大尺度环状漩涡。
      With the SST k-ω turbulence model,numerical simulation was carried out of low-unexpanded supersonic disk slot jet flow, which was formed by outflow gas of a high-pressure circular thrust gas bearing. The calculated result indicates that the wave system in initial segment 1 of supersonic disk slot jet flow field is similar to that of low-unexpanded supersonic axisymmetric jet flow. In initial segment 2, as viscosity moves deeper into the jet core area, the width of the jet core area is gradually reduced. After entering the subsonic basic section, the core zone disappears and velocity in symmetrical plane of jet continues to decline, until the stagnation zone emerges. At the same time, slot jet is separated into two streams regularly, which deviate from the stagnation zone and flow to both sides. Finally, in the far field beside the jet two regular symmetry large scale annular eddies are formed.
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