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Method for IC engine valve fault diagnosis based on matching pursuit time-frequency LBP spectrogram
中文关键词: 内燃机  故障诊断  振动信号  时频图像  匹配追踪算法  局部二值模式  灰度直方图
英文关键词: internal combustion engine  fault diagnosis  vibration signal  time-frequency image  matching pursuit  local binary pattern  gray histogram
岳应娟 火箭军工程大学理学院,陕西 西安,710025 yingjuanyue@163.com 
王旭 火箭军工程大学理学院,陕西 西安,710025  
蔡艳平 火箭军工程大学理学院,陕西 西安,710025  
郭雅云 火箭军工程大学理学院,陕西 西安,710025  
摘要点击次数: 5451
全文下载次数: 3029
      In order to directly diagnose and recognize vibration time-frequency images of IC engine, the image texture feature extraction technology was introduced and a novel method for IC engine valve fault diagnosis based on matching pursuit time-frequency local binary pattern (LBP) spectrogram was proposed. First, to clearly describe component information in time-frequency images of IC engine, the time-frequency representation of the signal with no cross-term and good time-frequency clustering was obtained by means of the matching tracking (MP) algorithm. Then LBP was introduced to yield LBP spectrogram of MP time-frequency representation. The gray histogram sequence of LBP spectrogram was taken as characteristic parameter, and support vector machine (SVM) was used for pattern recognition of fault state. In the diagnosis of four different states of IC engine valve, the maximum recognition rate of the proposed method reached 99.17%, which indicates that the proposed method based on MP time-frequency LBP spectrum identification has strong fault characterization ability and can accurately diagnose IC engine valve malfunction.
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