ZnO/WO3纳米片薄膜的光电催化性能研究 |
Photoelectrocatalytic performance of ZnO/WO3 nanoplate films |
投稿时间:2017-01-19 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: WO3薄膜 ZnO纳米颗粒 Zn(NO3)2 复合薄膜电极 光电催化活性 光电性能 亚甲基蓝降解 |
英文关键词: WO3 film ZnO nanoparticle Zn(NO3)2 composite film electrode photoelectrocatalytic activity photoelectric property mythylene blue degradation |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51171133,2);湖北省自然科学基金重点资助项目(2015CFA128). |
摘要点击次数: 6173 |
全文下载次数: 2422 |
中文摘要: |
采用水热法在不锈钢基底上制备WO3纳米片阵列,然后将其浸渍于不同浓度Zn(NO3)2溶液中以负载ZnO纳米颗粒,从而制备出ZnO/WO3纳米片薄膜。采用场发射扫描电镜(FESEM)、X射线衍射 (XRD)、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)、紫外-可见吸收光谱(UV-Vis)和电化学阻抗图谱(EIS)等方法对ZnO/WO3复合薄膜的形貌、结构、物相组成和光电性能等进行分析,重点考察了薄膜电极对亚甲基蓝(MB)的光电催化降解性能。结果表明, WO3纳米片均匀垂直于基底生长,Zn元素以ZnO颗粒的形式分布在WO3表面;ZnO的引入促进了WO3中产生的光生电子-空穴对的分离,从而使ZnO/WO3复合薄膜表现出比纯WO3薄膜更优异的光电性能和光电催化活性;在Zn(NO3)2浸渍液浓度为20 mmol/L时,所制ZnO/WO3复合薄膜具有最佳的光电催化性能,在MB溶液初始浓度为10 mg/L、外加偏压为0.8 V、光照1 h的条件下,采用该样品对MB的降解率达96.5%,并且复合薄膜具有良好的循环稳定性,在重复使用5次后,对MB的光电催化降解效率没有明显降低,有望在实际污水处理中得到应用。 |
英文摘要: |
WO3 nanosheet arrays were prepared on stainless steel substrate by hydrothermal reaction and then dipped in Zn(NO3)2 solutions with different concentrations to carry ZnO nanoparticles, so the ZnO/WO3 nanofilms were obtained.The films’ morphology, microstructure, phase composition, photoelectric properties, especially the photoelectrocatalytic (PEC) degradation performance for methylene blue (MB) using ZnO/WO3 film as electrode, were examined by FESEM, XRD, XPS, UV-Vis and EIS. The results show that uniform WO3 nanosheets grow vertically on the substrate and Zn(Ⅱ) existing as ZnO nanoparticles spread over the surface of WO3. ZnO/WO3 composite material exhibits much improved photoelectric properties and PEC activity over WO3 nanosheet films because the introduction of ZnO facilitates the separation of photogenerated electron-hole pairs in WO3 nanosheets.ZnO/WO3 film prepared in 20 mmol/L Zn(NO3)2 solution has the best PEC performance. With this sample as film electrode, the removal rate of MB reaches 96.5% when initial mass concentration of MB is 10 mg/L, applied bias voltage is 0.8 V and visible light irradiation time is 1 h. No obvious reduction in PEC degradation efficiency for MB is observed after reusing for 5 times, so the composite films display excellent stability and are expected to be applied in wastewater treatment. |
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