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Identification of random cutting load on cutting head of longitudinal roadheader
中文关键词: 掘进机  截割头  截割载荷  载荷识别  虚拟激励  正则化
英文关键词: roadheader  cutting head  cutting force  load identification  virtual excitation  regularization
何洋 渤海大学工学院,辽宁 锦州,121013 heyang121000@163.comdoi 
李晓豁 广东文理职业学院机电工程系,广东 湛江,524400  
摘要点击次数: 6758
全文下载次数: 2833
      As the random cutting load of the cutting head for the longitudinal roadheader defies accurate determination, the self-power spectrum expression of the random cutting load was deduced on the basis of the theory of random processes and the pseudo excitation of the cutting head determined with the combined use of the self-power spectrum expression and the pseudo excitation method. The obtained system’s responses were then used to deduce the equation for identification of the random cutting load with the aid of precise-integration method, and the precise mathematical model of the random cutting load established in time domain. The time history of the random cutting load was calculated according to the least squares method and noise interference reduced by the regularization method. Examples show that the described method can effectively reduce noise interference and identify the random cutting load more accurately.
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