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Influence of geometrical parameters of tapered interference connection on fretting damage of contact surface
中文关键词: 过盈联接  微动损伤  几何参数  接触应力  摩擦切应力  数值模拟
英文关键词: interference fit  fretting damage  geometric parameter  contact stress  friction shear stress  numerical simulation
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年基金资助项目(11402219); 吐哈石油勘探开发指挥部技术攻关项目(JXCHZC20120907023).
王钰文 西南石油大学机电工程学院,四川 成都,610500 qingfeng1190@163.com 
丁俊 西南石油大学机电工程学院,四川 成都,610500  
邓兴平 吐哈油田公司机械厂,新疆 哈密,839009  
鞠汉良 吐哈油田公司三塘湖采油厂,新疆 哈密,839009  
摘要点击次数: 6609
全文下载次数: 3001
      Aimed at the fretting damage of tapered interference connection on the contact surface, the paper focuses on the relationship between the axle sleeve match’s geometric parameters and fretting damage, and establishes mechanical and finite element models of tapered interference connection by using the plane stress strain method and numerical simulation method. It analyzes the influence of sleeve slot number, match length, conical degree and sleeve thickness on stress distribution and contact status of axle and sleeve’s junction surface, studies the variation of contact stress and friction shear stress with geometrical parameters, and further reveals the fretting damage mechanism of this kind of connection. The results show that the distribution of contact stress of the tapered interference connection is uneven, contact stress and friction shear stress increase with the increase of sleeve slot number and conical degree while the corresponding slip zone decreases. On the other hand, contact stress and friction shear stress decrease with increasing match length and sleeve thickness, and the corresponding slip zone increases instead.
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